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Have you ever read a text from your mate and knew practically nothing about what they were referring to? Words like LOL, FOMO, and BRB are old data. To stay aware of the most recent WhatsApp slang and impress your friends, you want to master the new teen lingo. From TBH to BRB, this guide will assist you with exploring that multitude of befuddling discussions.

10 WhatsApp Slang You Want to Master Today

WhatsApp is one of the most well-known messaging applications, with 2 billion clients all over the planet. To communicate quickly, individuals have fostered a shorthand slang. These days, a lot of our talks occur through messaging applications like WhatsApp. To keep up, you should know the latest slang and shortenings. The following are 10 essential WhatsApp slang terms you ought to begin utilizing quickly.

1. Tbh – To be honest

Use this when you want to express your genuine, unfiltered opinion about something. Ex: Tbh, I didn’t really like the ending of that movie.

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2. Caj – Casual

Indicate that the tone of your message is relaxed and informal. Ex: Just popping by for some caj drinks tonight if you want to join.

3. Omw – On my way

Let someone know you’re heading their way or will be there shortly. Ex: Omw, be there at 10.

4. Ofc – Of course

Use this as an informal way to express agreement or convey that something is obvious or expected. Ex: Want to meet for coffee this weekend? Ofc!

5. IDC – I don’t care

Make it clear that you have no preference or that something is irrelevant to you. But use cautiously, as this can sometimes come across as rude or dismissive. Ex: We can eat whatever tonight, IDC.

6. Irl – In real life

Use this to clarify that you’re talking about an in-person interaction rather than something online. For example, “We talked about this irl yesterday, remember?” It helps avoid confusion since so much communication now happens via text.

7. Tbf – To be fair

This is used when you want to acknowledge another perspective before starting your own view. For instance, “Tbf, the movie had some good scenes, but the plot was full of holes.” It shows you’re trying to be balanced in your judgment.

8. Ikr – I know, right?

This abbreviation is a quick way to express emphatic agreement with something. For example, “I just found out my boss approved my vacation request. Ikr!” Your friend will understand you’re excited about the news.

9. Atm – At the moment

Use this when you want to convey that something is temporary or current. For example, “Atm I’m too busy with work to meet up, but my schedule will free up next week.” It implies your situation may change in the future.

10. Brb – Be right back

This is a classic instant message abbreviation used when you need to step away from your device for a few minutes. For instance, “Brb, the dog needs to go out.” Your friend will know you intend to return to the conversation shortly.

Knowing these valuable WhatsApp slang terms and lingos will permit you to convey casually and compactly, similar to an expert. You’ll drop “ikr’s” and “tbf’s” in a matter of moments. Remember, recollect, for formal messages, staying away from slang and abbreviations is ideal.

Tips for Mastering WhatsApp Lingo and Slang

To become fluent in WhatsApp slang, you want to begin using it in your own talks. The following are a couple of tips to assist you with mastering WhatsApp dialect:

  • Study normal acronyms and abbreviations. Learn things like “LOL” (laugh out loud), “TBH” (to be honest), “IMO” (in my opinion) and “FOMO” (fear of missing out). Allude to a list of well-known WhatsApp lingo forms to look into some more.
  • Pick up on emoji meanings. Emojis are massively well-known on WhatsApp and are utilized to convey tone or as shorthand responses. Know that a smiley face implies happiness, while a winky face is utilized jokingly or flirtatiously.
  • Learn teen slang and catchphrases. Much of WhatsApp slang originates from teen culture. Phrases like “bae” (an acronym for “before anyone else”), “squad” (your close group of friends), “Netflix and chill” (hang out and hook up), and “YOLO” (“you only live once”) are popular on WhatsApp.
  • Observe how your WhatsApp friends use slang. Pay attention to the kinds of shorthand, acronyms, emojis, and catchphrases that people in your chats use frequently. Take cues from them and start experimenting with similar slang in your own messages.
  • Try not to overdo it. While using some WhatsApp slang can make you sound easy and draw in, overusing high schooler slang when you’re not a young person can appear to be inauthentic or like you’re making a strong attempt. Use slang moderately and when appropriate for your conversation and relationship.

With regular WhatsApp use, all this slang will become second nature in no time. You’ll be chatting with the best of ‘em and decoding lingo like a pro! LOL. Follow Guest Column for more!

The post WhatsApp Slang You Need to Master Today appeared first on Guest Column.

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